Get rid of your teeth problems

Get rid of your teeth problems

Get rid of your teeth problems with the help of Dr.Ted Grellner If you have ever had a tooth removed, then you know how bad teeth can hurt. Whether decayed or broken, a tooth can steal your sleep. Even though there are home remedies you can use to numb the sick tooth,...
Dental Implants and Age Restrictions

Dental Implants and Age Restrictions

Are there age restrictions associated with implant dentistry? Find out whether a patient can ever be too young or too old for dental implants. If you are missing one or more of your natural teeth, then you owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities of dental...
When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

Wisdom teeth do not always need to be removed, but it is often recommended for many patients. Let’s consider some factors. When a tooth is lost or extracted, there is no question that it needs to be replaced. Missing teeth jeopardize the health and security of...
Anatomy of Dental Implants: How They Work

Anatomy of Dental Implants: How They Work

There are generally three parts to the anatomy of a dental implant: the implant post, the abutment, and the restoration. Let’s explain each part. When placing dental implants to treat missing teeth, it’s important that we let patients know what an implant is and how...
Anatomy of Dental Implants: How They Work

Dental Implant Surgery Side Effects

Oral surgeon Theodore J. Grellner discusses the side effects that patients are likely to experience while recovering from dental implant surgery. When a tooth is lost or extracted, there is no question that it needs to be replaced. Missing teeth jeopardize the health...